Topics: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Internet-of-Things, Wearable Technologies, Computer Simulation, Forecasting, Location-Based-Service, Context-Aware Systems, Information Search and Retrieval, Space-Time Analysis, Privacy and Data Security, Technology Adoption, Technology Use.
Topics: 1. Internet Finance (including peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding); 2. Cloud computing and big data for services and manufacturing; 3. Open innovations for e-business; 4. Online to Offline Marketing; 5. Information sharing in e-business environment; 6. Manufacturing and re-manufacturing strategies for e-business; 7. Distribution channels and product variety of e-business; 8. E-logistics management; 9. Relationship governance in supply chains in e-business environment.
Southwest Forestry University, China
Southwest Forestry University, China